Thursday, March 12, 2009

UBYKA ARMY™ is a new evolution of warfare

UBYKA ARMY™ is a new evolution of warfare. A glimpse of a near future of hyper-aggressive and high-tech cyborg insect weapons to establish a new world order....
Introducing UBYKA ARMY - 25 NEW UNITS - all with individual and unquie attributes that are categorised into SKY FORCE™ & EARTH FORCE™ with specific roles, abilities and signature weapons.
Including the new menacing 'V12 TARANTULA OFFROADER™'
the gigantic & rare 'GOLIATH TANK-BUSTER™'
the beautiful & mesmerising 'POSEIDON ATTACK CHOPPER™'
and the robust & sleek 'AH-69 CICADA GUNSHIP™'
Other exotic insects with weapons such as EMP, Lasers, Microwaves and stealth technologies...STAY TUNED and in the mean time enjoy the sneak peak...

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